Reverse Phase Silica Gel


C18 Spherical Silica

Synonym: Octadecyl phase
Molecular Formula: N/A
C18 silica gel is the most popular and versatile reverse phase and capable of interactions with a wide variety of organic compounds. C18 silica is used for the phase chromatography for the separation of non-polar to moderately polar compounds such as peptides, proteins, fatty acids, glycerides, poly cyclic aromatics, esters, fat soluble vitamins, steroids, prostaglandins and PTH amino acids.

Catalogue number Particle size (Mesh) Loading ( mmol/g )
SICC-001 10 µm C% 16 to 18
SICC-002 10 µm C% 12 to 16
C8 Spherical Silica

Synonym: : Octyl phase
Molecular Formula: N/A
C8 silica gel is used for the phase chromatography for the separation of non-polar to moderately polar compounds such as steroids, Nucleosides, Cyclodextrins, Pharmacological plant constituents. C8 bonded silica was similar to C18 bonded silica but contains the shorter alkyl chains, and are less lipophilic than C18 and exhibits the shorter retention time.

Catalogue number Particle size (Mesh) Loading ( mmol/g )
SICC-003 10 µm C% 8 to 11


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