Polymer Bound Reagents

MP-Borohydride Resin

Molecular Formula: N/A
Borohydride resin is a macro porousresin with an equivalent of tetra alkyl ammonium borohydride. It is a versatile reducing agent used for the reduction of carbonyl compounds and imines and the reductive amination of aldehydes and ketones. Also, used in the other reductive applications such as azides, oximes and alkyl halides. The reduced products are isolated by simple filtration from the resin.

Catalogue number Particle size (Mesh) Loading ( mmol/g )
SICR-001 15-50 2.0 to 2.5



MP-Cyanoborohydride Resin

Molecular Formula: N/A
Cyanoborohydride resin is a macro porous resin with an equivalent of tetra alkyl ammonium Cyanoborohydride. The bound Cyanoborohydride resin is a versatile reducing agent for the reduction of carbonyl compounds and imines. This resin can also be used for the conversion of pyridinium ions to tetra hydro pyridine derivatives and dehalogenation reactions.

Catalogue number Particle size (Mesh) Loading ( mmol/g )
SICR-002 15-50 2.0 to 2.5

PS-Aldehyde Resin

Synonym: Benzaldehyde Resin
Molecular Formula: N/A
Aldehyde resin is anpolystyrene resin with an equivalent of Benzaldehyde. This resin is useful for scavenging various nucleophiles including primary amines, selectively compared with secondary amines.

Catalogue number Particle size (Mesh) Loading ( mmol/g )
SICR-003 100-200 1.0 to 1.2



PS-Isocyanate Resin

Molecular Formula: N/A
Isocyanate resin is a polystyrene resin with 1% DVB cross linkage and with an equivalent of benzyl isocyanate end group functionality. This resin can be readily scavengingthe excess of nucleophiles,which are often used to drive reactions to completion. The reaction of nucleophiles with isocyanate resin occurs without liberation of the small molecule by products.

Catalogue number Particle size (Mesh) Loading ( mmol/g )
SICR-004 100-200 1.0 to 1.2
MP-Piperazine Resin

Molecular Formula: N/A
Piperazine resin is the resin bound with an equivalent of piperazine. This resin has been developed to serve as a knoevenagel catalyst. it will eliminate thepiperidine –derived by products and reduces the trans-esterification while using the alcohol as a solvent. Piperazine resin may also be used to scavenge electrophiles.

Catalogue number Particle size (Mesh) Loading ( mmol/g )
SICR-005 100-200 1.0 to 1.2



MP-Sulfonyl Chloride Resin

Molecular Formula: N/A
Chlorosulfonated polystyrene resin is an equivalent to tosyl chloride and can be used in numerous applications. In case of catch & release strategy. Where the resin catches a compound to form a polymer bound to tosylate. Purifying the polymer bound tosylate by washing and subsequent treatment by a nucleophile, releases the target product from resin. A typical application is to form polymer bound tosylates by loading alcohols to the resin. This resin can also be used as a scavenger for amine hydrazinesand other nucleophiles.

Catalogue number Particle size (Mesh) Loading ( mmol/g )
SICR-006 15-50 4.0 to 4.5